Caring Carroll is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, founded in December 2007, that matches trained volunteers to assist with the non-medical needs of older, isolated adults, 60+ years of age in Carroll County, MD, with limited resources, who wish to remain living independently.
We're Looking For Volunteers
Once Volunteers are trained and background checked, they are enrolled in the Assisted Rides software program and start receiving emails if available opportunities to serve the seniors in Caring Carroll. Volunteers only offer to take assignments they want and the system automatically gives the volunteer the information needed to reach out to the care receiver. The volunteer calls the care receivers and plans are established to get the service provided. Once the service is completed the volunteer logs into Assisted Rides and reports it as completed along with any other necessary comments.

Volunteers are neighbors helping neighbors. They are generous, caring people of any age who share a desire to help others. Our volunteers are the cornerstone of our work and we're always eager to find more to help our senior community.

Refer older adults who are isolated, disabled, or frail and may benefit from support and a helping hand. If you or someone you care about could benefit from Caring Carroll's services, please contact us with additional information.

Group Activities
Caring Carroll partners with congregation and community groups who spend a few hours doing a one-time chore such as raking leaves, cleaning the house, picking up groceries, or helping with a needed repair.
Our diverse volunteer group has one thing in common: The love of helping others
Some volunteers are retired or work part-time, some are stay-at-home moms who volunteer while their kids are in school, and some are college students looking for some real-world experience.
Caring Carroll helps meet the non-medical needs of our care receivers
Most volunteers are matched with someone who lives close to them, so it's convenient and easy to volunteer. Other volunteers choose to help multiple care receivers with one-time tasks when they have free time. Volunteering with Caring Carroll is flexible and rewarding! You determine your own availability. Volunteers must be adults 18 and over. Groups and families are welcome.
Many more people are waiting for help – for a ride to the doctor, help with housekeeping, or just a friendly visit. Caring Carroll wants to help – but we can’t do it without you! If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or volunteering with your church or youth group, please contact Caring Carroll.
Interested In Volunteering?
We have many volunteers who are willing to talk with you and share their experiences with us. Just call us and we will have them give you a call.
Contact Caring Carroll
Have a question? Fill out the form below with some contact information and a brief explanation of your question and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Send Us A Message
Contact us today and our friendly support team will reach out as soon as possible.