Caring Carroll is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, founded in December 2007, that matches trained volunteers to assist with the non-medical needs of older, isolated adults, 60+ years of age in Carroll County, MD, with limited resources, who wish to remain living independently.
Hot Meal Program
The hot meal program began as a result of COVID-19 because our care receivers were no longer able to go out to lunch with our volunteers.
To be in the hot meal program you must be at least 60 years of age, have limited family resources, be low income, and not be able to drive.
Areas of the hot meal program have been sponsored over the past year by many of our wonderful donors. Including 3 local restaurants: Rocco's Market & Deli, Sergio's, and Outlaw BBQ Smokehouse. Each area of sponsorship is approximately $100 but can be sponsored by multiple donors.

4H Centaurs Club of Woodbine, MD
The 4H Club of Woodbine under the direction of Rachel Troppman makes 170 birthday cards for us each year so we are able to mail them to each care receiver the month of their birthday. Thank you, Rachel.

Cub Scout Pack 392 of Sykesville, MD
The Cub Scout Pack made cards with jokes in them and decorated pots with flowers for our care receivers. Ari and his mother delivered these to our office. Thank you, Cub Scout Pack 392

Laundry Services

During COVID, Caring Carroll partnered with several organizations and churches to help get groceries to our Care Receivers, including Calvary United Methodist Church in Gamber.
The Care-Receiver & Volunteer Relationship: Priceless
My relationship with my care receiver, "Miss Pat", lasted for over 2-1/2 years. When I first volunteered with Caring Carroll, my goal was to help a care receiver remain independent in their own home and to productively fill in some of my spare time. What I did not expect was the wonderful relationship that developed between "Miss Pat" and I. The two of us fell into a very personal and comfortable relationship. I would take lunch to her every Tuesday and would then spend the rest of the afternoon with her. We did whatever she felt like doing. The afternoon might consist of weeding a garden, planting flowers, going to a movie, sorting through her family pictures, putting up Christmas decorations, making a trip to Walmart, or simply watching old TV shows and visiting.
There was an approximate thirty-year age difference between us, but she was very knowledgeable about current events, and her memory of past events was very sharp. Her physical limitations were frustrating to her and I am thankful that I could be her "helper". I believe that we all need to view our elder population as a very valuable resource and to appreciate the experiences they can share with us. She was a strong believer in the Catholic faith, who loved life and her family dearly. The simplest things made her happy. It was very rewarding to learn that giving just a little bit of time and energy can make an incredible difference in someone's life. I feel privileged to have known her and hope that she enjoyed our time together as much as I did.

Linda D.
Just a small token of my appreciation for the nice lunches you bring me from Buttersburg. I look forward to them. Also, an extra thanks for putting me in contact with my “Barb”. She is the sweetest person and we seem to “click”. So, it’s been fun. Thanks again, Be safe.

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