M - F: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
(410) 775-5596
Support From

Ride Scheduling & Fees

​Caring Carroll is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, founded in December 2007, that matches trained volunteers to assist with the non-medical needs of older, isolated adults, 60+ years of age in Carroll County, MD, with limited resources, who wish to remain living independently.


Care Receiver Fees

Below are some common transportation fees for elder care provided by Caring Carroll. For out-of-county rides, at least 2 weeks notice should be given for the request.

$10 per trip/service
4 trips/service per month
2 trips per year to Baltimore, Frederick or Howard counties or Baltimore City
$25 One-time member fee

Passengers are required to contact the Caring Carroll office by phone at (410) 775-5596 before 2:00 pm, at least three (3) business days in advance to schedule trip(s). In order to allow time to find a volunteer driver, please request rides as soon as the date the ride needed is known.

Call Day
First Available Ride Day

Office hours are Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 2:00 pm. Messages left on the answering machine M-F after business hours are returned the next business day. Messages left over the weekend are returned on Monday.

$50 will be collected at the time of registration, $25 is a one-time membership fee and $25 is to set up and begin paying for rides/services.

You will be notified when additional funds need to be added to your account. You can add funds to your account by sending a check made payable to Caring Carroll 255 Clifton Blvd Suite 315, Westminster, Md 21157, or calling 410-775-5596 to make payment arrangements. Please note the member’s name on the payment.

Financial Assistance is available through our Community Promise Fund. You can apply for assistance through the Community Promise Fund at the time of registration. Assistance is based on income.

Fees assist with our expenses enabling Caring Carroll to continue to serve our seniors. Expenses include our office space, scheduling software, volunteer insurance, and paid staff among other expenses. Your support is greatly appreciated. Caring Carroll is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization serving seniors in Carroll County.


Contact Caring Carroll

Have a question? Fill out the form below with some contact information and a brief explanation of your question and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

255 Clifton Blvd #213, Westminster, MD 21157

Send Us A Message

Contact us today and our friendly support team will reach out as soon as possible.